Pet Stain Removal
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Whether you're a dog or cat lover, the two species have one very obvious trait in common. They love a good scratch. We’re not just talking about a scratch on the belly, we mean scratching posts, chairs, doors and carpets. But one of the things in the house that usually tends to get the most special attention is of course our lovely carpets.
Facing Pet Stains & Odors
Maybe it's because they move along the floor, so can be repositioned to best suit the animal's location preference, or the fact that rugs are often made a certain thickness. Whatever it is, it means pet owners commonly spend more time than they'd like fruitlessly scrubbing away at their favorite rug.
The sensible, well experienced pet owner might resort to buyer lesser rugs, but where's the fun in downgrading your home with cheap decor. Some unlucky owners may have even experienced the dread of losing an expensive and cherished rug to a pet mess crisis.
Our Professional Rug Cleaning Services
Immediate replacement or several hours of playing Cinderella are not your only options. Carpet Cleaning Carson offers specialist services especially for stain and odor ridden rugs.
Not only can we provide you a means to remove some of the toughest marks life has to offer, but you’ll also be free from the maddening strain of having to do it yourself for the umpteenth time.